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How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance in 2024

Career | 06 Aug 2024

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Hi, Yobie here! You must be juggling a hectic schedule, wanting to break free from the monotonous routine of your job. You might feel like work is taking over your life, leaving no time for yourself. Maybe you’ve seen your friends’ IG posts of trips to Siargao while you're stuck in the office. Rocking every task, but for what? What are we working hard for? Are we supposed to live like this? Go to work, get paid, pay the bills, and repeat? There’s gotta be something more.

These days, we live in a world where too much hard work is no longer romanticized. Taking time to care for your mental health is now a top priority. I heard a quote once: “Your family won’t remember the overtime you worked, but they’ll remember the core memories you made together.” Even your boss won’t remember your extra hours.

The good thing is, you’re already on your first step, and don’t worry because I’ve got your back! Achieving that perfect balance might seem like chasing a unicorn, but with a bit of strategy and some helpful tips, you can totally nail it. Here are some career tips to get you started:

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing boundaries between work and personal life is crucial. I know it’s easier said than done. Some supervisors are quite persistent, messaging you even when you’re sick or enjoying a weekend off. That’s not healthy. To give your best at work, you need to communicate that you need time to rest and recharge as well. This means deciding when to log off from work and not entertaining work-related calls or emails outside of your designated work hours. Think of it as building a wall—protect your personal time fiercely.

Ana, a marketing manager, found herself working late every night. She decided to set a strict rule: no work emails after 7 PM. This simple change allowed her to spend quality time with her family and recharge for the next day. Ana says, “It was tough at first, but my family appreciated it, and I felt more energized and focused during work hours.”

Tip: Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to log off. It helps in making the transition smoother and more habitual.

2. Recognize Your Priorities

Identify what’s most important to you. Is it spending time with your family, pursuing a hobby, or focusing on your health? Whatever it may be, you have to keep track of the ones that need your attention the most after working hours. Give time to family and friends or finally start going to the gym to finally embody the healthier version of yourself. Trust me, your future self will be grateful for the time you took care of yourself and your family. Once you know your priorities, you can better allocate your time and energy.

Miguel, a software developer, realized his health was suffering due to long hours at work. He prioritized his well-being by scheduling daily workouts and ensuring he had time for proper meals and sleep. “I felt guilty at first,” Miguel admits, “but when I saw how much better I felt and performed, I knew it was the right choice.”

Tip: Write down your top three priorities and stick them on your desk as a constant reminder of what’s truly important.

3. Improve Work Efficiency

Being efficient at work means getting more done in less time, freeing up time for your personal life. Utilize productivity tools and techniques to streamline your tasks. You need to start building healthier habits and start to get rid of the not-so-good ones. Like scrolling through Facebook while at work. For me, I used to often get lost scrolling through shopping apps to buy toys for my cat and wouldn’t realize that I had completely lost minutes or even an hour of scrolling and adding to cart. So what I did was turn off my phone and make sure that I wouldn’t be distracted with anything while working. Tasks can be overwhelming sometimes too, especially on Monday mornings when they are given to you on a weekly basis. But no worries, I think I found a way. Here’s how:

Using tools like Trello or Asana can help you manage your tasks more effectively. Anthony started using these tools to prioritize his tasks according to their importance, allowing him to finish work on time. “Breaking down my tasks into smaller, manageable chunks made a huge difference,” he says.

Tip: Try to utilize organizing tools provided for you by the company. Learn ways to be more organized with your tasks. The sooner you finish them, the sooner you can get back to adding to cart those cat treats you were searching for. Guilt FREE!

4. Take Breaks

Regular breaks are essential for maintaining productivity and preventing burnout. Implement techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. The great thing about this technique for me too is that I get to rest my eyes from staring too much at the computer screen for a long period of time. Before, I used to get horrible eye strain and sometimes found it difficult to focus and keep my eyes open because they hurt too much.

Taking breaks means remembering to drink your water too! Make time to meditate. Whatever will help you stay productive and in the zone to work. The better quality your breaks are, the better the quality of your work will be.

Jessa, a customer service representative, found herself exhausted by midday. She started using the Pomodoro Technique, which helped her stay focused and refreshed throughout her shift. “I used to think breaks were a waste of time, but now I see them as necessary pit stops to recharge my energy,” she shares.

Tip: Use break times to do something enjoyable—stretch, grab a healthy snack, or chat with a friend. It can make a big difference in your overall mood.

5. Seek Support from Your Employer

Work for a company that values work-life balance. This might include flexible working hours, wellness programs, and policies that support employee well-being. It is quite helpful if you have employers that have the same values as you. I’m lucky enough to work for people that take care of their employees. Employers who value the quality of your output rather than the hours you spent on making it. So have courage and don’t be shy in communicating those needs. Remember that your employers outside work have families that they take care of as well. So I’m pretty sure, 8 out of 10 chance they will be supportive and will understand.

Carlos, who worked in a high-stress environment, discussed his workload with his manager. His company introduced a wellness program and allowed flexible working hours, significantly improving his work-life balance. “I was surprised at how receptive my manager was. It’s worth having that conversation,” Carlos advises.

Tip: If your company doesn’t have these policies, suggest implementing them. Sometimes management just needs a little push to see the benefits.

6. Practice Self-Care

Your mental and physical well-being should be a priority. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and make time for activities that you enjoy. Now this is the most important part. You might think of sleep as something you can skip sometimes. But nowadays, that shouldn’t be the case anymore. When you don’t get enough sleep, it becomes a domino effect where the quality of your next working day won’t turn out very productive. When you don’t start the day right, everything else will start to suck. So please prioritize your sleep. Remember, those who have the best sleep are always the winners the next day.

Nina, a graphic designer, realized she was neglecting her health. She started taking regular breaks, drinking more water, and ensuring she got at least eight hours of sleep each night. This change not only improved her health but also her productivity at work. “I feel more creative and energetic,” Nina notes. “Self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.”

Tip: Schedule self-care activities just like you would work meetings. It ensures you make time for them.


Balancing work and life requires intentional effort and a bit of planning. By setting clear boundaries, recognizing your priorities, improving work efficiency, taking regular breaks, seeking employer support, and practicing self-care, you can achieve a healthier and more fulfilling work-life balance in 2024.

And speaking of work, if you're looking for new opportunities that better fit your desired work-life balance, check out the Jobyoda app. It’s a great platform to search for jobs around your area, filter through benefits, and find the perfect role that matches your skills and passions, whether you’re looking for a job in the BPO industry or aiming for your dream job.

Stay awesome, my friends, and make 2024 the year of balance and well-being!

SEO Keywords: work-life balance, work-life balance tips, work-life balance for employees, BPO jobs, dream job, Jobyoda, career tips